Kata Kunci:
Moringa leaf extract gel, Collagen, MiceAbstrak
Wounds are very common in the world of medicine. Moringa leaves are often used community to help heal wounds. Moringa leaves contain active ingredients in the form of flavonoids, tannins, and saponins which play a roleto help speed up the wound healing process. The purpose of this research is to test the effectiveness of giving moringa leaf extract to an incision wound by observing its density collagen performed on mice. This research is research laboratory experiments carried out in vivo. In this research There were 24 samples consisting of 4 groups namely the negative control group, the group given Moringa leaf extract gel concentrations of 3%, 6% and 9%. Preparation of Moringa leaf extract gel was carried out by the method Maceration is then made into a gel preparation. In vivo test was carried out by making incision wounds in mice and then the wound was given extract gel treatment twice a day. On 7th day after treatment, decapitation was carried out for specimen collection observation of collagen density. Research data were analyzed using oneway ANOVA followed by the LSD test. The research results show Giving moringa leaf extract gel has an effect on the process Wound healing is proven by an increase in collagen density in treatment at all concentrations. The conclusion of this research is administration of moringa leaf extract gel increased the density of wound collagen mouse incision. Concentration of 9% is the most effective concentration in increasing collagen density compared concentrations of 3% and 6%.
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