Kata Kunci:
Pericoronitis, Impacted Tooth, Soft Tissue Infection, Public Health CenterAbstrak
An impacted tooth is a condition where a tooth partially erupts or fails to erupt into the dental arch. Abnormalities that can result from impacted teeth are the formation of cysts, causing dental caries and pericoronitis. Pericoronitis is an infection of the soft tissue that covers the teeth with partially erupted teeth. The most common area where pericoronitis occurs is in partially erupted lower third molars. Based on data from patient registration records at the Tabanan I Community Health Center Dental Clinic, it was found that pericoronitis due to impacted teeth was included in the 10 highest cases of disease during the period December 2023-March 2024. The sampling technique in this study was consecutive sampling. The sample in this study was all registration data for 13 patients who experienced pericoronitis with a total population of 31. The data results show that the ratio of the number of pericoronitis cases in December 2023 was 1:4 cases, in January 2024 it was 0:3 cases, in February namely 3:1 cases and in March it was 0:1 cases. Then, the total cases of pericoronitis found in male patients were 4 cases and 9 cases in female patients.
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