Kata Kunci:
discoloration, teeth whitening, 100% fruit juice (Averrhoa Bilimbi Linn), 2.5% lemon juice (Citrus Limon), 10% carbamide peroxide gel, sterile distilled waterAbstrak
due to various factors. Purposes: In dentistry, the above cases can be treated with dental bleaching, which is a process that can make teeth whiter, such as closer to the original color of the teeth, using chemicals. The use of chemical bleach is not always safe, so a safer alternative is needed, namely star fruit (Averrhoa Bilimbi Linn) and lemon (Citrus Limon). Methods: The type of research used is (true experimental design) and pretest- posttest group design. The total number of samples in this study were 24 samples in the form of maxillary and mandibular permanent anterior teeth which were divided into 4 experimental groups, namely marinated with 100% starfruit juice (Averrhoa Bilimbi Linn), 2.5% lemon juice (Citrus Limon), 10% carbamide peroxide gel and sterile distilled water. Measurements using a spectrophotometer. The data in this study are normally distributed and homogeneous. The pretest-posttest paired analysis using the Paired T- Test showed that the mean difference between the before and after groups was significantly different. Results: Parametric statistical tests with Oneway Anova showed that there were significant differences in each group after treatment. The highest level of effectiveness was owned by 10% carbamide peroxide gel seen from the mean difference value of the LSD Post Hoc test. Conclusions: Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that 2.5% lemon juice (Citrus Limon) is more effective than 100% starfruit juice (Averrhoa Bilimbi Linn) as a teeth whitening agent.
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