Perbedaan Kontras Radiografi Pada Hasil Foto Rontgen Periapikal Gigi Molar Rahang Bawah Dengan Penggunaan Tegangan Listrik 60 kVp dan 70 kVp di RSGM Saraswati Denpasar


  • Anak Agung Kompiang Martini Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar
  • I Dewa Ayu Nuraini Sulistiawati Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar
  • Ni Putu Sumaryatni Under-graduate student, Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Mahasraswati Denpasar

Kata Kunci:

technique bisecting, contrast


The technique bisecting is often used for periapical diagnosis. To meet high radiographic image quality, a radiograph must meet several aspects to be assessed on a radiograph, namely density, contrast, sharpness, and detail. Contrast is the difference in the degree of blackness beetween two points, contrast is said to be good if it can be distinguished from one part to another. This study aims to determine the effect of differences in electrical voltage on contrast radiographs resulting from x-rays of molar teeth. The method used in this study is a laboratory experimental method with a randomized post test only design. This research was conducted at RSGM Saraswati Denpasar. The Sampling technique used simple random sampling. The research data were processed computerized using statistical analysis, namely the homogeneity and normality tests showed (P<0,05) not normally distributed and not homogeneous, then followed by the Man Whitney test (P<0,05) showed a significant difference. Differences in contrast were seen using a densitometer at a voltage of 60 kVp with an average of - 0,1569 with a brighter indicator and 70 kVp with an average of 1.7431 classified as a darker indicator. From the results of the study it can be concluded that by providing a voltage of 60 kVp is the ideal value in this study as an effort to improve the results of the quality of radiographic images by minimizing the dose of absorbed radiation exposure.


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