Kata Kunci:
Cocoa bean extract, mouse liver histopathology, allergy test,, subacute toxicity testAbstrak
Background: Cocoa is one of the plants that is believed to have many health benefits and is used in herbal medicine, so it is necessary to conduct safety tests in its use. Objective: This study aims to determine abnormalities in the histopathology of the liver of mice that occur after repeated administration of the test preparation along with the allergies caused. Method: In this study, there were 25 samples consisting of 5 groups, namely the group of mice given cocoa bean extract at a dose of 4500 mg/kgBW, 5500 mg/kgBW, 6500 mg/kgBW, 7500 mg/kgBW, and the control group was given distilled water, and for allergy testing was given 32% cocoa bean extract gel. Oral administration of the test preparation was carried out every day for 28 days, once a day. Observations included toxic symptoms by looking at the histopathology of the liver and the presence or absence of signs of allergy. Results: Death of mice began to occur on the first day after administration of the test preparation, with a total of 9 mice dying. On the second day, 8 mice died with the same dose distribution, while on the third day, 3 mice died. Mice in the control group given distilled water survived until the 28th day. in mice showed that no allergic symptoms appeared in all 8 mice either within 30, 60, or 90 minutes after administration of cocoa bean extract. Conclusion: Administration of cocoa bean extract at doses of 4500 mg/kgBW, 5500 mg/kgBW, 6500 mg/kgBW, and 7500 mg/kgBW affected subacute toxicity and liver histopathology of mice, causing death in mice. Cocoa bean extract also did not cause allergies (no rashes and redness) in mice.
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