Kata Kunci:
Medical records, prevalence, recurrent aphthous stomatitisAbstrak
Introduction: One of the oral mucosal diseases that is often encountered in the community is recurrent aphthous stomatitis or commonly called SAR. SAR is an inflammatory ulcerative condition that most commonly occurs on the oral mucosa repeatedly. An estimated 20% of the general population has SAR during childhood or early adulthood. These lesions appear clinically as nonspecific low round or oval ulcerations covered by a grayish-white fibrin pseudomembrane surrounded by a firm erythematous halo. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of recurrent aphthous stomatitis (SAR) patients at RSGM Profesi Saraswati Denpasar in 2022.
Method: The method used is a descriptive observational method by making observations in the field of medical records at the same time.
Research results: The results of this study show that the prevalence of SAR is 0.66%. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it was found that SAR was more frequently encountered at the age of 21-25 years, namely 69%. And women are more susceptible to SAR, namely 67%.
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