Kata Kunci:
Incisor inclination angle, facial soft tissue, Bali, Holdaway methodAbstrak
Background: Facial aesthetics can be defined as harmony and balance between facial proportions that formed by skeletal, dental and soft tissue structures. The position of the incisor is an important factor. The facial soft tissue profile also affects the pantient’s facial aesthetics because in seeing someone’s face, the first thing to note is the soft tissue on the face that wraps the head bone. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a correlation of incisor inclination angle to facial soft tissue convection in Bali women by the Holdaway method. Methods: This type of research is observational analytic with cross sectional approach. The researcher used sample of 31cephalometric photos of Bali women tracing. Samples were taken by purposive sampling, that is samples were chosen based on the specified criteria. Results: Pearson correlation analysis showed that the correlation of upper incisor inclination, lower incisor inclination angel and interinsisal angle to facial soft tissue convention (H angle) was significant. The relationship of the interinsisal angle to H angle is significant in the positive direction. This shows that the greater the interincisal angle, the greater the distance between the upper and lower lips to the aesthetic line. Conclusion: Based on this study, it can be concluded that there is a correlation of upper incisor inclination, lower incisor inclination and interinsisal angle to facial soft tissue convection in Bali women by the Holdaway method.
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