
  • Tri Purnami Dewi Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar
  • Suhendra Suhendra Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar
  • Ketut Indah Prama Santhi Under-graduate student, Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Mahasraswati Denpasar

Kata Kunci:

acrylic resin plate, betel leaf, basil leaf, Candida albicans


Introduction: The surface of the acrylic resin plate attached to the mucosa, usually has a pit and micro-porosity that can be the place of accumulation of microorganisms. Long-term unclean use of dentures can lead to plaque buildup and increased growth of colonies of Candida albicans that cause denture stomatitis. To prevent denture stomatitis, namely by soaking dentures into a cleaning solution, but disinfectant materials that are expensive and only in certain places can be the reason patients do not clean their dentures with these materials, so substitutes or alternatives to traditional ingredients derived from plants such as betel leaves and basil are needed which can be used as antiseptics, antibacterial and antifungal without causing side effects. The purpose of this study was to determine the comparison of the effectiveness of betel leaf and basil infusion on the growth of Candida albicans colonies on acrylic resin denture plates.
Methods: This type of research is experimental laboratory with post test only control group design method. Treatment group 1 used negative control with aquadest, treatment group 2 with positive control using polydent denture cleanser, treatment group 3 used green betel leaf infusion concentrated 50% and treatment group 4 used basil leaf infusion concentrated 50%. Each test group soaked 6 acrylic resin plates for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, the calculation of the number of colonies was then analyzed using the mann-whitney test statistical test to compare the average difference between the two test groups.
Result: The test results showed a difference in average rating between the number of Candida albicans colonies in the betel leaf infusion treatment group with a concentration of 50% with a basil leaf infusion concentration of 50%.
Conclusion: The results showed that there was a significant difference where betel leaf infusion was more effective in inhibiting the growth of Candida albicans colonies on heat cured acrylic resin plates.


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