Kata Kunci:
ambon banana tree sap extract ointment, fibroblast cell count, incised wound, wistar ratsAbstrak
Wound is a condition of disconnection of the anatomical structure of body tissues caused by injury or surgery. One treatment that is often used to heal wounds is synthetic drugs, but these drugs have various side effects so people choose traditional medicine as an
alternative medicine to heal wounds. One type of plant that can be used as traditional medicine is ambon banana tree sap. Ambon banana tree sap contains active compounds that play an important role in stimulating fibroblast cell formation in the wound healing
process. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the ointment of banana tree sap extract on increasing the number of fibroblast cells in healing incision wounds in wistar strain rats. This study is an in vivo laboratory experimental study with a post test only control group design using 24 male wistar strain rats divided into four groups, namely the group given 60%, 70%, and 80% concentrations of ambon banana tree sap extract ointment, and the negative control group given adeps lanae and vaseline album. Wistar rats were decapitated on day 7, and the wound tissue was histologically prepared with Hematoxylin Eosin (HE) staining to determine the number of fibroblast cells. Data analysis was done with a one-way ANOVA test and continued with a Post Hoc
LSD. The Post Hoc test found that there was a significant difference in the mean number of fibroblast cells between the 60% banana tree sap extract ointment group and the negative control group (adeps lanae and vaselin album), the 70% banana tree sap extract
ointment group, and the 80% banana tree sap extract ointment group. This study concludes that the administration of banana tree sap extract ointment increases the number of fibroblast cells in the incision wound of wistar strain rats, with a concentration of 60% more effective in increasing the number of fibroblast cells compared to banana tree sap extract ointment concentrations of 70% and 80%.
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