Kata Kunci:
Location of health services, terrain gravity analysisAbstrak
Access to health care facilities among the community tends to be described as an experience of inequality, because the location of health services is not appropriate. Access to health care facilities is an urgent concern and policy. Poor access to health care facilities remains a challenge. Determining the location of health services, which cannot be separated from the concept of regional administrative unity, must be done as well as possible so that it operates smoothly, operating costs are low and allows for expansion of services in the future. The aim of the research is to determine the location of appropriate and affordable health service facilities for all levels of society in Ban village, Kubu sub-district, Karangasem Regency - Bali. The research design used is research evaluation, using the Terrain Graph Analysis method. The research results show that the appropriate and strategic location of health service facilities is between Banjar Temakung and Banjar Darmaji. All activities will run effectively and efficiently if they meet the requirements of right quantity, right quality, right cost and on time. Health service coverage is broad and even and the location is easy to reach for people
who need it. Providing materials in the right quantities when needed with the smallest total costs is a logistics activity for health service facilities.
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