Kata Kunci:
open method, alveoleplasty, hypertensionAbstrak
Introduction: Open method is a method of tooth extraction that is performed when the closed method cannot be performed. Open method extraction is often followed by alveoplasty with the aim of facilitating healing and increasing the success of prosthesis
placement. The patient's history of systemic disease, one of which is hypertension, is important to note before surgery. Case: A 57-year-old female patient came to RSGM Saraswati Denpasar with a complaint that her upper right jaw tooth only had a root left and wanted to be extracted immediately and wanted to have a denture. Objective examination of the patient's physical condition is good, blood pressure 170/90 mmHg. Intra oral examination showed that there were remaining roots from teeth 14 and 15. Radiographic examination found the remaining roots from tooth 13 which were clinically invisible. Case Management: Case management with multiple extractions of teeth 13, 14 and 15 with local anesthesia accompanied by alveoloplasty and consultation with a general practitioner at the general polyclinic of RSGM Saraswati Denpasar. Conclusion: Minor surgical treatment in hypertensive patients can be done by considering the patient's medical history so it can ensure the right modification for safe tooth extraction.
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