Kata Kunci:
Community Health Center, Persistency, Primary teethAbstrak
Background: Community Health Center plays a crucial role in improving community health, particularly through dental and oral health services aimed at maintaining and enhancing oral hygiene. Early childhood health education, with parents playing a key role, is essential for ensuring children's well-being. Primary teeth guide the growth of permanent teeth, typically lasting from around age two until about seven years, and their premature loss can lead to malocclusion and aesthetic issues.
Purpose: This study aims to determine the prevalence and distribution of tooth persistence in children aged 5-12 at East Selemadeg 1 Health Center by gender, age, and jaw region. It also seeks to identify the causes of primary tooth persistence, provide data for preventive measures, and enhance understanding of primary tooth care and its impact on permanent teeth health in children.
Methods: This research uses a quantitative descriptive percentage. The population includes all patients visiting UPTD East Selemadeg 1 Health Center from January to March 2024. Data is collected and recorded from the dental clinic register.
Results: Results showed that 21.7% experienced tooth persistence, with a higher prevalence in girls (58.5%) and most common at age 7 (24.6%). Persistence was more frequent in the anterior region (67.7%) than in the posterior (32.3%). Factors contributing to persistence include delayed resorption of primary tooth roots, abnormal positioning of permanent tooth buds, hormonal disorders, and nutritional deficiencies. Genetic factors like the RANKL/OPG gene also influence persistence. This study underscores the importance of monitoring dental transitions and implementing preventive measures to address tooth persistence in children.
Conclusion: The study found a 21.7% prevalence of primary tooth persistence in children aged 5-12 years at East Selemadeg 1 Health Center, with higher rates in girls (58.5%) than boys (41.5%). Age, gender, and potential genetic and nutritional factors contribute to this issue, highlighting the need for improved preventive measures and monitoring.
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